Case Study     05/05/2023

Ed’s Story

Ed’s Story

Our Cyfle Cymru programme helps people affected by substance misuse and/or mental health conditions to develop confidence and provides support to access training, qualifications, work experience and volunteering opportunities.

Ed, a service user from the Dyfed area, has made incredible progress since starting the programme. Ed’s Peer Mentor said:
“I met Ed during my 2nd month as a Peer Mentor in Ceredigion. It was my first assessment, and he was incredibly anxious. He had been diagnosed with a condition 10 years previously (mid-teens) and was housebound and often bedridden.

“Ed had also developed an addiction to codeine over the years and was aware that the amount he was using needed to be addressed.”

“When I was introduced to Ed, he could only look at the floor and his voice shaky with nerves and anxiety.”

“Within the first six weeks we had met several times, and his confidence was noticeably building. I had found him a volunteer position at the National Library of Wales sorting archives and inputting data. Ed asked me to come with him as he was very nervous. I introduced him to the Volunteer Coordinator and followed them into the library. Within about 10 paces he turned to me and said, “I think I will be ok now if you don’t want to stay.” – What a transformation in just a few weeks!

“Somewhere near Ed’s 3rd month with Cyfle Cymru we met for a 1-1 review. He said to me, “I can’t believe how much better I feel in just 6 months”. He was a little off with his dates! When I explained that it had only been 3 months it was clear to see how pleased he was with his progress and was jumping at every opportunity offered to him.

“Ed has now passed his driving test, entered employment and gained a number of certificates though Cyfle Cymru and other organisations. He spends 2 days a week at the National Library, as well as working part-time, volunteers for Aberystwyth’s Food Surplus Service, attends regular woodland courses, attends every group activity going and, given he was intimidated by his own shadow just 12 months ago, that’s quite humbling to see.

“Ed was the first, but by no means the last person that made me see what a rewarding job Peer Mentoring for Cyfle Cymru is and how much difference it makes to the participants we work with. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with Ed.”