Case Study     05/05/2023

John’s Story

John’s Story

John, 65, attended our rehabilitation unit at Parkland Place, North Wales, due to alcohol abuse.

Following his retirement as a teacher and several relationship breakdowns, John began to drink excessively to the point he was struggling to maintain interests such as writing, which once offered him structure, purpose and a sense of achievement. Consequently, these losses impacted on his emotional wellbeing and created a vicious cycle, with his drinking beginning to steadily increase. The turning point of a road traffic incident was a catalyst for Mark to finally seek help and regain control of his life, giving him the motivation necessary for making the change in his life.

Following his admission to detoxification unit at Parkland Place in Lancashire, for treatment of alcohol misuse, John presented with Alcohol-Related Liver Disease (ARLD) and Jaundice, resulting in reduced mobility, quality of life and significantly impacting on his daily activities.

Following discharge from the unit in Lancashire, John was admitted to Parkland in Old Colwyn, to begin the rehabilitation aspect of this recovery programme.

During his stay at Parkland Place, John identified a range of short- and long-term goals, which included: remaining abstinent and addressing and managing his triggers for addictive behaviours, specifically, developing his self-confidence and assertiveness in relationships, and gaining insight into how these factors were connected.

By providing John with a holistic approach, addressing his physical, emotional, psychological and social needs, he gradually gained confidence and saw an improvement to his overall general health. For example, in the earlier stage of the John’s stay, he appeared unsteady on his feet, to support him in achieving his goal of developing his fitness, John took part in short daily walks, increasing the distance each time, which contributed to his improved physical health and had a positive impact on his wellbeing as a whole. This also led to John having the energy and clear thinking to re-engage with his previous hobbies, where concentration was important.

John demonstrated a strong commitment to the therapeutic programme, which consisted of twice weekly counselling sessions, intensive one-to-one sessions with his key workers, mindfulness meditations and daily group sessions with his peers. During the group sessions, John engaged well in a range of structured sessions, including the following topics: the Cycle of Change, Negative Self-Talk, Cognitive Distortions, Self-esteem, Stress, Worrying and Rumination, Depression, Procrastination, Understanding Anxiety, Dealing with Difficult Feelings, Worrying and Overthinking, Activity Scheduling and Assertiveness.

Following his discharge from Parkland Place, John utilised his aftercare sessions via the telephone and gained voluntary work at a local charity shop. This increased his social circle, offered routine and purpose to his daily life, as well as contributing to his community. All of which increased his self-esteem and gave him the valuable support he needed in continuing his recovery journey.