Contact Us

Contact Us

If you are looking for non-urgent help or want to know more about what Services we offer, please visit our Service Directory which will give you direct contacts details for our services.

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General Enquiries

For general information, including more about what we do, you can get in contact with us at

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Press & Media

If your are a journalist with a media or press enquiry, or would like to talk to us more about our policy and campaign work, using our research, finding a case study, or spokesperson for your story, please contact us on

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Feedback & Complaints

We always welcome feedback about our services and the work that we do, alternatively, if you would like to make a complaint, you can do this by getting in touch here.  You can also contact us directly at

Click here
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If you have any questions about your membership, would like more information about becoming a member or about how our members contribute to Adferiad, contact us at

Sign up here
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Fundraising and Donations

If you would like more information about fundraising for us, or other ways to donate to Adferiad, contact our team at

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If you have a question about using our brand, or looking for materials for events, please contact our Communications teams at

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Recruitment & People Services

If you are interested in a current position or want to know more about working at Adferiad, please contact our Recruitment team at  Please note we will be unable to accept job applications via email.  Please visit our Vacancy page to apply.

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If you would like to know more about becoming a Volunteer at Adferiad, please get in touch with our Volunteering team at