Case Study     05/05/2023

Dan’s Story

Dan’s Story

Dan came to an Adferiad Housing project after serving a long prison sentence.A heroin addiction compounded his struggles with his mental health.

Having lost all contact with his family, including his two sons, Dan engaged with the substance misuse service and was placed on an opiate substitute script, enabling him to refrain from illegal drugs use.
Dan was referred and accompanied to hisCommunity mental health appointments where initially he would not be able to lookup or speak and would rely on Adferiad’s staff to talk for him.

Dan had numerous outstanding debts and was struggling to pay. With support Dan is now claiming the correct benefits, has an ongoing payment plan in place for his debts and has built a relationship with his two teenage children. He moved into supported accommodation and is reducing from his substitute script and can now fully engage with his mental health worker without the need of being accompanied.

Dan said:“When I first came to Adferiad I was angry and scared.

“I have been addicted to heroin for over 20 years of my life and this has resulted in me making bad decisions that led me to prison. I lost contact with my family, and I was knocking around with the wrong people.

“Adferiad have assisted me to get my life on track and although it has not been easy, I am now a completely different person. I am reducing my script, I have not used heroin in over 12 months, I engage with the mental health team (and look them in the eye), I have a great relationship with my children where I am able to support them both emotionally and financially. I have got my driving licence back and have a car, but more importantly I have changed my life, I’m out of prison, and I do not intend to ever go back.

“Thank you Adferiad for your hard work, determination and perseverance with me, many others would have walked away.”