Caerphilly Carers Small Grants Scheme



Contact Information


About the Project

Caerphilly Carers Small Grants is a scheme for unpaid carers who are living in Caerphilly County Borough, providing individuals who care for a loved one with access to one-off financial assistance with the aim of supporting their caring role and helping to combat the cost of living crisis.

All too often, Unpaid Carers overlook their own needs. The Caerphilly Small Grants Scheme aims to make everyday life a little easier for individuals who care for a family member, friend, partner, or neighbour and help to ease the pressure of rising living costs.

Who do we support?

This scheme can support all unpaid carers living in Caerphilly Borough. Unpaid carers could be relatives, friends, partners or neighbours that provide daily practical and emotional support for an individual with a physical or mental health condition including neurodiversity and dementia.

How do we do it?

Small grants of up to £300 are available to support you in your caring role.

The £300 can be issued as vouchers for:

  • purchasing white goods, household items or equipment which will help you in your caring duties, freeing up more time or reducing the strain of certain tasks


  • supermarket vouchers to purchase clothing or food to help you and the person you care for with the current cost of living crisis



Carers or their support workers can complete the contact form below or email to be sent the online application form. Carers under the age of 16 must complete an application with an adult.

Processing can take up to 4 weeks.

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