About the Project
Peregrine Close comprises of four single occupancy flats that Adferiad Recovery rent from ATEB Housing Association. Support is provided by the Adferiad Recovery Housing Domiciliary Care Team. The project provides temporary supported accommodation to individuals who need lower-level housing-related support.
The service offers support with:
- Enabling individuals to maintain tenancy, learn responsibilities for future tenancies
- Promoting engagement in meaningful activities within the local community: social activities, and seek opportunities in volunteering, training, education
- Being empowered to ask for support & help to prevent relapses
- Moving on to their own future tenancy
It is anticipated that people will move on from these ‘step-down flats’ as part of their journey towards independence.
Eligibility / Referral Process
We offer this floating support in partnership with Pembrokeshire County Council throughout Pembrokeshire. To be eligible to live in Peregrine Close it is necessary to be under the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) with a lead need of serious mental illness and requiring housing-related support.
The referral process is as follows:
Contact Marie Balchin (Pembrokeshire Housing Service Manager) or Michelle Miscisz (Adferiad Recovery Registered Manager) who will send out a referral form which needs to be completed and sent back to Marie & Michelle with an up-to-date Care and Treatment Plan (CTP) and Risk Assessment.
The paperwork will be reviewed by the Service Manager, Registered Manager and Associate Director of Registered Services. If your support needs can be met by the project, the Service Manager will make arrangements to meet you and your Care Coordinator to commence a plan of support, a visit to the allocated flat and an agreed move-in date.