


Contact Information

Opening times:

8am – 6pm, 7 days a week


01792 816600

About the Project

The service operates across Ceredigion and aims to reduce the experience of isolation and promote the achievement of recovery amongst individuals experiencing mental health problems. All support focuses on what the client wishes to achieve and is tailored to the needs of the individual, utilising the principles enshrined in Adferiad’s Recovery Programme.

The service supports the identification of further services which will enhance community prospects, signpost and make appropriate referrals.

Support is offered to individuals up to 4 hours a week, usually in one session although this is determined with the individual and the befriender where appropriate. Initial assessments are made to identify the needs of the client and to ensure appropriate matching with the individual working with them. The service also aims to create meaningful occupation and community involvement via volunteering. Where possible, the service aims to provide recovery pathways to clients by recruitment as befrienders. This can create pathways back into employment and enable peer-to-peer support.

All volunteers will require a DBS and receive a comprehensive and high standard of induction prior to being matched with a client. They will receive support and supervision on a regular basis and be provided with opportunities for training, professional development and ongoing career development where this is appropriate.

The Service is funded by Hywel Dda Local Health Board.

Eligibility / Referral Process

Individuals must have a mental health requirement.

All referral routes are considered, and include CHMT; GP surgeries; voluntary sector; the police; local university; via carers, and, also through self-referrals.