Caniad CVUHB


Cardiff Vale of Glamorgan

Contact Information

Opening times:

9am – 5pm Monday – Friday


07970 436 204


About the project

Caniad works with the Cardiff & Vale University Health Board – Mental Health Clinical Board and Mental Health Services. The service aims to give people with lived experience of mental health services, whether directly or in a care-giving capacity, the opportunity to get involved in the design, development and delivery of services. We want to ensure that those who use mental health services have a voice.

The service offers support with:

• Having the opportunity to have a voice and be heard
• Information about support services
• Involvement in service improvement
• Training
• Involvement in recruiting new staff members
• Support to become engaged within this process
• Incentives for co-produced engagement

Caniad is available across Cardiff & The Vale.

There are several existing involvement groups with more currently in development. The service is available in English and Welsh.

Eligibility / Referral Process

The service can support individuals if they:

  • have experience of mental health services, whether directly or in a care-giving capacity
  • • Have a lived experience of using adult mental health services in the last three years.
  • Are a carer or family member of someone who is using or has used these services, in the last three years.
  • Want to contribute to services and support improvement for the benefit of all.
  •  Are over 18 years old and live in Cardiff & The Vale

For a copy of our referral form, please email or call. Once you have been in touch one of our team will contact you and arrange to meet you. At the meeting, we will tell you more about Caniad and ask you about what you would like to get involved in.