Case Study     05/05/2023

Sasha’s Story

Sasha’s Story

Sasha came out of rehab in January 2022 and talks about the practical help offered by Adferiad and how volunteering has helped her recovery journey.

“When I came out of rehab, I was dreading the thought of not having a support network and that I would be on my own.

“I contacted Adferiad, and they have helped me in so many ways.

“I was allocated a peer mentor called Sarah, who has given me practical help like applying for financial assistance, advice on food banks, suggesting courses and basic help like checking in with me if she I haven’t heard from me for a few days.

“I don’t feel alone anymore, because I know I can turn to her for help and support, and if she can’t help with a certain issue, she will find someone who can.


“I really like the volunteering at Adferiad. I mainly volunteer on outside projects, it gives me a feeling of pride, not only am helping the community, but I’m also helping with my own recovery.

“I’m meeting people who are in the same situation as me. Going to events has greatly improved my confidence. When I first started, I was so shy, now I can talk to everyone.
“When I’m volunteering, I’m building my confidence and it’s helped my mental state. I have also been attending a course every week. I enjoy the sessions, not only am I learning new skills, I’m also meeting new people.

“I especially like the fact that staff members have lived experience, so know what we are going through. They have a true insight into the recovery journey, and I find them so much easier to talk to. I find all the staff some friendly and are always willing to help whenever they can.”