News     15/11/2021

Adferiad Recovery supports Safeguarding Adults Week 2021

This week Adferiad Recovery will be supporting Safeguarding Adults Week 2021, raising awareness of the important safeguarding issues facing adults today.

The aim of Safeguarding Adults Week is to highlight key safeguarding issues, facilitate conversations and to raise awareness of safeguarding best practice – so we can all be better together. The Week will enable more organisations and individuals to feel confident in recognising signs of abuse and neglect and recording and reporting safeguarding concerns.

To mark Safeguarding Adults Week, this year Adferiad Recovery will be offering several ‘bitesize’ information sessions for all of our staff to attend.

In addition, staff will be given the opportunity to spend time with the designated safeguarding leads in the organisation to have open conversations, ask any questions they may have regarding safeguarding issues and discuss any cases in a safe environment.

Remember, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility – so let’s talk about it.

For more information on Safeguarding Adults Week, click here.