Tenby Resource Centre



Contact Information

Opening times:

9am – 5pm Monday – Friday


01834 844177




St. Asaph
Trafalgar Road
Tenby SA70 7DN

About the Project

Tenby Resource Initiative (TRI) project is a resource and activity centre, with a drop-in facility.  In addition, the initiative also facilitates outreach activity groups in the community. The Centre aims to provide a range of activities and courses, including practical and emotional support for service users from Adferiad staff and their peers. The resource centre also supports people to access support for their daily needs by inviting guest speakers and forming links with services in the local community.

Contact Jennifer Losada, Project Coordinator
Email: jennifer.losada@adferiad.org

Eligibility / Referral Process

Anyone with a diagnosed Mental Health problem

Referrals are accepted via self-referral/professional referrals from GP’s, CMHT and other Third Sector services.