Saturday Provision



Contact Information

Opening times:

10am – 2pm Saturday


01437 764961


About the Project

The purpose of the service is to provide respite care in a group setting on a Saturday 10:00 – 14:00 for unpaid carers. We aim to reduce the stress of the day-to-day caring role by providing a short break for the Carer to relieve them of the physical and emotional stress, helping to maintain their own health and wellbeing, thus enabling the caring situation to be maintained. We also enable the cared for to attend a group facilitated by staff members to maintain their social inclusion, allowing them to participate in activities within a social setting.

Support is provided to individuals aged 18 years and above with a wide range of health & care needs such as: emotional needs, cognitive needs, dementia, learning disability, frailty, Parkinson’s and mental health.

Staff offer a variety of age-appropriate activities each session, often themed according to the time of year to encourage participation and inclusion, and promote physical and mental wellbeing. Respite is proven to reduce the risk of carer breakdown, by supporting the mental and physical health of Carers by enabling them to either take a meaningful break or run errands that they would not normally be able to do. It is also beneficial to the cared for as it enables them to participate in social activities with other individuals, promoting social inclusion.

Eligibility / Referral Process

Referral into this provision can be made directly by contacting Penny Jenkins or Naomi Mainwaring on the details above.

If you would like to request more information, please also get in contact using the phone or email address above.