Gwent Young Carers In Schools Programme


Blaenau Gwent Caerphilly Monmouthshire Newport Torfaen

Contact Information


01495 367564


About the Project

The Gwent Carers In School Progamme offers schools information, advice and assistance. The Young Carers in Schools Programme (YCISP) can also help schools identify any Young Carers who may be hidden. The YCISP has three stages and within each stage there are five standards, schools provide evidence for each of the standards which then goes into a portfolio and gets reviewed by Young Carers.

The YCISP is an important service because it guides Schools through supporting their Young Carers through education and also supporting their emotional wellbeing, The YCISP is also important because it helps highlight to Young Carers that they aren’t alone and there are others that understand how being a Carer can feel, this is important because Young Carers can feel quite isolated and alone.

The service offers support with:

  • Information, Advice and Assistance around the Young Carers in Schools Programme (YCISP)
  • Assembly videos highlighting what a Young Carer is and some examples of what a Young Carer may need to do.
  • Virtual or face to face staff and governor training on identifying Young Carers
  • Assistance when gathering evidence for The YCISP.
  • Providing awards for completing stages of The YCISP
  • Building the Schools portfolio for them and presenting it to the panel of Young / Young Adult Carers

The Gwent Young Carers In School Programme is funded by the Gwent Regional Partnership Board.

Eligibility / Referral Process

There isn’t a referral requirement for this service.