Wrexham Mental Health / Substance Use Liaison



Contact Information

Opening times:

9am – 5pm

Monday – Friday

(flexibility where required)


07929 179368



About the Project

The MHSMLS supports clients with mental health and / or substance use who are currently homeless, living in temporary accommodation or have transitioned into permanent accommodation. We work alongside Wrexham Borough Council
Housing Options Team and Housing Support Officers.

We support their clients with the above conditions to help enable them to secure permanent accommodation and live independently.

Who do we support?

The primary needs of our clients are ongoing or co-occurring mental health and / or substance use. Our support is primarily based within the Wrexham Community, WMBC Temporary Accommodation Properties, or at the homes of clients who have secured permanent accommodation.

How do we do it?

We provide a holistic, person-centred service that aspires to enable the client to lead a self-directed journey. We achieve the above by working together in partnership and cooperation with Adferiad services / projects, as well as statutory and third-sector services in the Wrexham Community. We also provide housing and wellbeing-related support, such as crisis interventions, brief interventions, and health and wellbeing-focused therapeutic interventions.


We receive referrals from the WMBC Housing Gateway, Housing Options Team and Housing Support Officers.

If you would like to request more information or to discuss the referral process with us, please get in contact using the phone or email address below.