Time Critical Intervention (TCI)



Contact Information

Opening times:

2pm – 6pm Monday – Thursday, including during holidays

We are looking to expand when we receive more referrals


01792 816600

About the Project

The Ceredigion Local Authority, HSG Funded Time Critical Intervention service was established as a pilot project with the provision having particular emphasis on the timeliness of actions and referrals that form a package of support to some of the most chaotic and vulnerable people in Ceredigion. The pilot has been developed to meet these aims as well as enhance existing rapid rehousing systems such as Housing First

The service is available to anyone in Ceredigion aged over 16 years who have no immediate access to settled accommodation and whose needs match the threshold covered by the Risk Assessment Matrix, with The Wallich & Care Society being the two primary providers. Ceredigion Commissioners identified the scheme needed a Mental Health Specialist Provider and approached Adferiad Recovery to support individuals who experience poor Mental Health, working with each referred individual to provide housing-related support. The service is a Time Critical Intervention Service, with the Wallich taking the lead for the project and referring to Adferiad once new referrals have been assessed.

The service offers support with:

  • Attending appointments
  • Paying bills and other financial matters
  • Interacting with the community by encouraging & enabling clients to feel part of their community by reducing isolation and building resilience
  • Building up friendships with peers
  • Attending groups like art, and music and exploring new avenues of opportunities.
  • Signposting to other services when needed, working with other agencies to promote independent living
  • Work on Independent Daily Living Skills
  • Creating meaningful occupation and community involvement via volunteering and attending group activities run by Adferiad or other organisations

The Service is funded by HSG Local Authority

Eligibility / Referral Process

Individual with mental health requirements
Referral routes include CHMT/Health Board/HSG via the Wallich.