St Giles Personal Wellbeing Service


All Wales

Contact Information

Opening times:

9am – 5pm Monday – Friday


01792 816600

About the Project

The St Giles Personal Wellbeing service delivers person-centred wellbeing sessions to young male prison leavers. The service is delivered by wellbeing coaches through face-to-face 1:1 support delivering advocacy, advice and guidance.

The service offers support with:

  • Meeting service users on release from custody
  • Advocacy and handholding to navigate statutory and other mainstream services including health treatment
  • Pro-social modelling
  • Accessing grants
  • Mediation
  • Safety planning and consequential thinking
  • Signposting to leisure and other positive activities
  • General practical support

The service delivers group work which has been developed to support service users to achieve their outcomes based on the 1:1 sessions.

Examples of sessions include:

    • Extremism
    • Gang grooming
    • Knife crime
    • Positive parenting

Managed by St Giles Wise with Adferiad as the sub-contractor.

Eligibility / Referral Process

Referrals from probation service