Flintshire Family Support



Contact Information

Opening times:

9am – 5pm Monday-Friday



About the Project

Flintshire Family Support Service has been devised to support the carers of those who suffer from mental ill-health and substance use through providing one-to-one and group support, whilst promoting the empowerment and independence of the carer.

Each carer who accesses the service will receive a holistic and person-centred approach to help them with the individual and unique circumstances they face by providing support mechanisms and assisting the carer to develop their skills and knowledge to be more empowered and enabled to address the needs of the cared-for, whilst retaining their independence and management of their own welfare.

Throughout each case the team will support each individual within their own capabilities and level of comfort providing more or less support as required in relation to their caring role.

The service offers support with:

• Contact via email, text or phone
• Emotional Wellbeing
• Physical and Mental Wellbeing
• Financial Wellbeing
• Access to Education and Training
• Spiritual, Cultural and Religious beliefs
• Signposting to services within Flintshire to meet specific needs

Eligibility / Referal Process

Carers in Flintshire who care for individuals that suffer from Mental Ill-Health and Substance Use.
