Adferiad Academy


All Wales

Contact Information


01792 816600


About the project

What is Adferiad Academy
The Adferiad Academy is a Adferiad programme to encourage students who are training for a career in the third sector to gain hands on experience and training within Adferiad.
It offers:

  • 12-week training programme
  • Work experience in a Adferiad service of your choosing
  • An opportunity to find out first-hand about our work
  • Talks from practitioners from various areas
  • Accredited qualifications

Where is it delivered?
The training is delivered online via Zoom/ Teams, with the placements also being available across Wales (service dependent).

How to Apply
If you would like more information, please contact the Adferiad Academy team on:

Eligibility / Referral Process

Who is eligible?
Anyone who:

  • Lives in Wales, and is currently not in employment
  • Is aged 16-24
  • Aged 25+
  • Long term unemployed (LTU) 12+
  • Economically Inactive (EI)
  • Is not engaged with another employment service funded through ESF


  • Those unemployed for less than 12 months
  • Anyone already in employment
  • Anyone who is engaged on other ESF projects