Our Impact

Our Impact

We strive to make a difference, and it is this drive that underpins all we do. Whether it is through significant interventions, sustained short steps, campaigning for those we support or delivering new, innovative services, positive change is our goal. Let us show you the impact we have made.

Our Impact

Adferiad Recovery combines the skills and expertise of its leading founding charities to provide outstanding and flexible service for people in Wales with mental health problems, substance misuse issues, and those with co-occurring and complex needs.

We are a user and carer-led organisation providing a broad range of individualised services to our beneficiaries. We aim to make positive changes in the lives of people affected by drugs, alcohol, mental health problems, and other life challenges, through a range of services and support delivered by skilled and experienced staff, in the belief that people can and do change.

Adferiad delivers a new, flexible and co-ordinated response to the exceptional circumstances faced by people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions and related issues.

Our Impact

Vulnerable people facing complex life challenges need consistent and seamless support to ensure they remain engaged with vital health and wellbeing services – and to prevent them becoming disenfranchised and isolated.

Adferiad Recovery harnesses the talents and experience of long-established and leading Welsh charities CAIS, Hafal, WCADA and Adferiad Recovery CIO. Our combined expertise in the fields of substance misuse, mental health, housing, criminal justice and employment support enables Adferiad Recovery to meet the needs of our most vulnerable with a single, unified and comprehensive approach.

Explore our impact